The BEST PLACE for New Muslims to learn about Islam

You are not alone!

By Zaneefa Zaneer, based on a true story

Sara nervously bit her lips; her trembling fingers ran over her forehead. The letters in her screen smudged as her eyes veiled with tears. She  closed  her  eyes  painfully.  The  lump  in  her  throat  doubled  in  volume  as  she  swallowed  the bitterness she felt. A tear drop streaked down, leaving traces of sadness. Why? How can they? She shook her head several times, not believing what she read. She leaned back in the chair resting her head on the headrest, her gaze fixed upon the empty turquoise wall.

‘Don’t believe me because I say, follow your instincts…there’s the truth…search for it’ the dearest voice echoed in her mind. A beautiful woman smiled at her. Sara’s lips curled as she remembered her mother. She smiled as if she was smiling back to her mother. But instead her heart throbbed. How desperately she wanted to smile to her dear mother.  ‘Mama’ she whispered, her whisper laced in air and swirled around her reminding how miserable it had been to lose her mother at a very young age. The beautiful woman she adored kissed the death as a result of a car crash. The drunkard who drove the  car landed on her mother even before he realized he had just  knocked on a woman who walked passing the crossing.

Life without her mother was painful, yet she had the courage to move on with life. Sara was graduated to her high school. Although she was a white and from a western country she had been always following her mother’s foot steps. Sara paid much attention to her studies. She wanted to achieve something in life. Rather becoming somebody she wanted to be someone who will serve the community. When her friends had a lot to entertain she had a lot to study. Not necessarily every American should be walking naked in street or spend the whole night in a club, arms clung with a guy. She had dignity for being a woman; she wanted to be someone her mother wished to see.

Ramzi,  a  south  Asian  Muslim  born  in  America  fell  in  love  with  her.  That  was  what  he  called  ‘love’.  But  the  most suitable word is lust’. He pestered her to have a date with him. She disagreed. She disliked. She had better things to concentrate on. But the young man didn’t want to give up. He came behind her every day, in bus and in the train, he followed her every where she went. He made her life miserable. He forced her to walk with him, not only walk but to fulfill his filthy desires. She being strong in her decision said NO. And he tortured her mentally. One day he walked to her, and said…”I dreamt you last night and had what I wanted”. She felt disgusted. Being worried she refused to come out of her hostel room for weeks. She feared he might revenge her. She feared something bad might happen. She, having faith in only one God pleaded to protect her and not to test any more. And then she heard, he was caught in his room with illegal drugs and being arrested and deported back to his motherland. She sighed with relief. But from that day onward she hated. She hated ‘Muslims! They are terrorists, butchers, sex chasers and uneducated filth!’

When Sara was in her university, her playful brother called her and suddenly said he reverted himself to a Muslim. He believed in oneness of God and accepted Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was Allah’s Messenger. She was startled. Her beautiful eyes struck with horror. She had to fight with herself first to explain her brother. But he never withdrew his decision. He was firm.

With a heavy heart her fingers picked the books titled under the label ‘Islamic’. She read. And read. And then a time came  for  her  to  submit  her research  to  the  university.  she  chose  ‘Education’  in  middle  east,  something  inside  her forced to chose her subject. And she never regretted.

She moved to Cairo. She enthusiastically involved in her research. She met women in the  country. There  came a moment, she had to keep her fingers on the thick cover of the Noble Quran. She read the translation and then read again. Something strange in her was happening. Everything else was seen differently and in right manner. She always had the belief that there was One God if not none. She believed there could not be many. She had been a science student. The Quran looked more scientific to her. everything in the Quran was a sign, the Sun, stars moon and sky. Everything was a sign from God. She researched more with curiosity. The thirst to know more grew. She met scholars and learnt what she wanted to know. She questioned and for every question she found answers. And then finally she confessed that none has to be worshiped but Allah and Prophet Muhammad was his messenger. The blissful moment in her life has been the day she said the Shahada. She smiled as tears gathered into her eyes, remembering her mother.

When she went back to her country, a young man named Ahmed, a born muslim asked for her hand to marry her. Directing him to her brother and father she waited until they decided. They accepted him with arms wide open for he was a humble gentleman. She accepted the marriage believing that everything descends from Allah alone.

The young couple moved together to Cairo. The first journey they went together was the trip to Holy City Makkah. She repented and repented until her tears dried  she repented from Allah for being ignorant all these days and thanked Allah for showing mercy upon her and showing the right path to her. Being a muslim was the best feeling she had ever.  Her  only  wish  had  been  that  all  her  family  should  be  muslim  for  her  father  was  not  accepted  Islam  at  that moment.

Days passed. Few months later in her life, her father called her and announced that he wants to embrace Islam. The joy she felt cannot be explained. The tears of joy paid the price for the good news. She knelt down to prostrate to her Creator to thank for the mercy he showed upon them endlessly.

Her research  further  expanded. She was  sent  to  a  country  in  north Asia. Her  husband  joined  her  too,  he was  the strength Allah has gifted her for  choosing the right path. They flew with hopes, many hopes. Their mission was to succeed their research for the betterment of the society.

She had been nervous on her first lecture. She chose a special dress to celebrate the occasion, the Black cloak and a scarf. Sara wore her Hijab proudly and smiled to her reflection thanking Allah for the best dress she had worn in her life. She had never felt her freedom as she was experiencing that moment. She knew, her beauty will not be adored, but her knowledge and talents would be adored and accepted. She sighed with relief.

“Why are you wearing this”
“This is not for you”
“You are an enemy”

They questioned and pulled her scarf. She tried to protest. They spat harsh words to her face. Pupils in eyes blazing with anger were directed at her. She watched their nostrils flaring as they harassed her with their untamed tongues. Her heart ached as not understanding why they hated her for she had done nothing except embracing the universal religion Islam and following the all wise Allah Almighty’s commands.
“You are white…American…you have no rights to disgrace by wearing this!”

“Are you not ready?”
She was pulled back to her world by the most caring voice she had heard. She quickly wiped her tears as she felt he walked  close  to  her.  Ahmed  tenderly  touched  her  shoulders.  She  tilted  her  head  to  meet  his  eyes.  He  smiled  as always he had done with love.

“The sooner we left the better”

He said placing a warm kiss on her head. She swallowed the pain and choked when she couldn’t tolerate anymore. They were threatened to death to leave the country within twenty four hours. When Islam was given to all mankind, she and her family was harassed to leave the religion. When Islam teaches peace and harmony, their peace in life was harshly chased away from their life for choosing to be muslims. When Islam is the only religion which teaches every human is equal, non should be discriminated, she was forced to remove the attire Allah has designed for every woman on earth. She sighed trying to tolerate the truth.

“Prophet  Sallalllahu  alaihiwa  sallam  was  harassed  by  his  people  and  he  did  his  hijrah  to  Madina…what  are  we comparing to him, honey? Keep faith in Allah, He knows the best for us. This is not what he wants for us.” He said stroking her hair tenderly. She tried to smile with courage. Yes, Allah knows the best, she consoled herself.  Sara smiled bravely; no one has the right to take away the religion Allah has given to all mankind on earth.


True Stories

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Islamic Belief